As compared to Marx's explanation of value, organic composition of capital, production price, fixed capital, ect., Sraffa's theory is less scientific and systematic, lacking depth and comprehensiveness. 同时,与马克思的价值、资本有机构成、生产价格以及固定资本等基本理论相比较,斯拉法的理论远不如马克思理论科学、深刻、系统和全面。
Marx did not directly discuss rural surplus labor force but, in his Research on Capital, he pointed out that machines would reduce the number of employed workers when organic composition of capital was increasingly promoted. 马克思没有直接论述农村剩余劳动力,但他在《资本论》中指出,当资本的有机构成不断提高时,就会出现机器排挤工人的现象。
Land rent model of Marx needs to be resurveyed once some factors changes, such as comparatively low organic composition of agricultural capital, property rights of land on the move and so on. 资本有机构成和地权流转等因素一旦发生变化,马克思农业地租模型的结论就需要重新审视。
And with the slowdown in economic growth, production and technological progress, the organic composition of capital, labor supply growth, China's employment situation will face more severe challenges. 而且随着经济增长速度的放慢、生产技术的进步、资本有机构成的提高、劳动力供给的持续增长,我国的就业形势将面临更为严峻的挑战。
This paper examines in depth Marx's view that absolute rent will disappear once the organic composition of agricultural capital reaches or exceeds the level of the average composition of social capital. 本文较为深入地发掘了马克思关于绝对地租将随着农业资本有机构成达到或超过社会平均资本构成而消失的思想。
The organic composition in the unitive image of Anshan as the "Capital of Steel", Qianshan Mountain have an important meaning of politics, economy and culture. 作为钢都鞍山整体形象的有机组成部分,千山具有重要的政治、经济和文化意义。
The Organic Composition of Agricultural Capital and Absolute Rent& A Challenge to the Argument of Monopoly of Price Leads to Absolute Rent Rent on Farming Land 农业资本有机构成与绝对地租&垄断价格绝对地租说质疑
It can be expected that, the employment of the primary industry will continue to decline and the capacity to absorb employment in the second industry will decline as the increasing of the organic composition of capital with the improving of the level of intensive management of land continues. 可以预见,随着土地集约化经营程度的不断提高,第一产业的就业人数仍将会不断下降,第二产业吸纳就业能力也将会随着资本有机构成的提高而不断下降。
On one hand, scholars around the world have been doing many theoretical researches and empirical testings about the conclusion, and there still exists doubt on the increasing trend of organic composition of capital. 一方面,中外学者对该结论进行了理论研究和实证检验,也提出了对资本有机构成提高趋势的质疑。
On the basis of reviewing the Marxist Capital Organic Composition Theory, Human Capital Theory and the Resource-based Theory of the Firm, I used empirical methods to study on the relationship between corporate human capital investment, physical capital investment and corporate performance. 在回顾马克思劳动力价值论及资本有机构成理论、人力资本理论与企业资源理论基础上,采用实证方法研究企业人力资本投资、物质资本投资与企业绩效之间的关系。
The organic composition of capital theory is an important part of the Marxist political economy theory, and reached a conclusion that continuously improvement of the organic composition of capital is the objective trend of the development of capitalism. 资本有机构成理论是马克思政治经济学理论的重要组成部分,并有资本有机构成不断提高是资本主义发展的客观趋势的结论。
Firstly, the paper redefines the scope of constant capital and variable capital, and analyzes the influences of skill-biased technical progress on expanded organic composition of capital. 定位于知识经济时代,首先,本文重新界定了不变资本和可变资本的范围,并分析了技能偏向型技术进步对扩展资本有机构成的影响。
Granger causality test results of China show that there is a one-way causal relationship between expanded organic composition of capital and labor income share, and the improvement in the expanded organic composition of capital will lead to the decline in the labor income share. 对我国相关数据进行格兰杰因果检验的结果表明,扩展资本有机构成与劳动收入份额之间存在单向因果关系,扩展资本有机构成的提高会导致劳动收入份额下降。
Both of them shows an upward trend on the whole, with some individual years declines. However, the expanded organic composition of capital is at a relatively low level and maintains a narrow range. 总体而言,我国传统资本有机构成与扩展资本有机构成均呈总体提高趋势,个别年份都曾出现下降情况,但后者处于相对较低水平,且变化幅度相对较小。
Marx stressed that under certain conditions, enterprises should maintain a reasonable organic composition of capital. 马克思强调在一定条件下,企业应该保持合理的资本有机构成。